What is Quick Send for plan users?

Team Thankster

Last Update vor 7 Monaten

With Quick Send, you just pick one of your One-off Project templates, add recipients, and submit. No need to pay at the time because you are billed later on along with any of your automated orders for the month.

Quick Send: Placing Orders Under Your Plan

With Quick Send, plan users can quickly place orders under their plan within the site, without relying on automation or external triggers. This feature allows you to select a one-off project template and easily send it to recipients. Here's how it works:

Selecting a One-Off Project Template

To use Quick Send, you can choose a one-off project template from either the one-off project template listings page or by selecting a template and then choosing Quick Send within it.

Adding Recipients

Once you have selected a template, you can add recipients in one of four ways:

  1. Add a single recipient
  2. Paste recipient information from a spreadsheet grid
  3. Upload recipient information from a CSV file
  4. Use an existing recipient list

For this example, we will use the spreadsheet grid method. Here's how:

  1. Copy a row of recipient information with the same headers as the grid
  2. Click once in the first cell of the grid and paste the information
  3. You can also double-click in a cell and start typing to add recipient information manually

Sending the Order

Once you have added all the recipients, you can simply hit the send button. You may need to confirm the send action again. The order will be sent to all the recipients you have added.

Note that there is no need to pay at the time of sending the order. You are billed later, along with any of your automated orders for the month.

The spreadsheet grid method used in Quick Send is similar to ordering with a Google Sheet and our Zapier integration.

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